Sunday, May 31, 2009

Artists update!! new in shop!

Gabriel Law, and 700 Xian formerly from Skin Canvas Singapore are now officially working as a permanent artist in Gimmelove!! Welcome to our Big family guys! Click on the link on the artist's row on the right side of the page to view their creative and kick ass works!! PS:Gabriel and 700Xian will no longer be affiliated to Skin Canvas from now onwards.

Attention ladies and gentleman. Gimmelove tattoo will be showing their presence in Canada for the month of June!! Come tuesday 2nd of June. Baldwin and Elise, Eric will be flying to Toronto for the Northern Ink Exposure !! Loads of great artists will be there, will be a great experience for them I bet. Before the convention , Baldwin will be working in Exotix Tattoo in Downtown Toronto as a guest artist, and Eric will be serving Canadian tattoo enthusiasts at Sunnyside Tattoo with our nice friends Jimmy, Todd, Liz and Franklin! Be there to show them your support! On behalf of the whole crew of Gimmelove tattoo, I wish you guys bon voyage and all the best in Toronto. Give them some love guys!!

shawn's update

shawn's interpretation of skull. and next in the line is a cool calve piece.. Benny came in with a pencil sketch of this real cool motif.. loads of eyes and in a really nice arrangement, Shawn did it nicely once again.

Baldwin's update before he fly

Baldwin's attempt at darkside!! lines not by him, but he manage to salvage this tattoo.and the real cool Ganesh was also completed right before he fly off to Toronto for NIX tattoo convention! Good luck to you in Canada. Spread the love up north!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

shawn's deck

acrylic on skateboard deck.. less then 2 hrs,,woow.check it out !!anyone interested to buy it can contact Shawn directly.

Baldwin's update

Alvin's sleeve finally completed.. started quite a while ago..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

a serious case of freak accident in Gimmelove 1..

It happened today... while I was taking a dump in our loo. Just as I was enjoying my daily dosage of poo. I saw something stuck in between the door of the toilet( on the hinge side). As I open the door, I saw this poor lizard corpse sticking on the door... flattened, dried. my guess is that it must be taking a nap, while some dude is really in an urgent rush of nature call.. slammed the door so hard that this lil guy here got no chance of reacting.. check out the broken tail and the trail of dried blood. how often you see acccidents like this?? Just another day in Gimmelove..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shawn's update

Shawn present us with what he is good at.. Japanese tattooing at its best. what else can i say? let the pics do the talking.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shop 2 's updates!!!

Guys, check out the awesome pieces from Mudohori Sam of our Shop 2 @Dunlop.. Blue Dragon floating in mist, wicked combination of swallows and roses , and cutie Daruma on the underarm.!! Give us more works Sam, we are waiting !!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

what we do when we are bored.? scalpel some ears?

hey, whats that?? oh, its just a piece of flesh from Elise's ear.chey, i thought its some bar chor from the bar chor mee Eric ate.
In the series of pics below, you will see Baldwin the butcher,Elise as the meat, Alvin the offical forceps holder.,Kalafeh Eric trying to act involve by holding 2 forceps. and Kalafeh me as Tengu. Just another day in GimmeLove...

Baldwin the butcher.. serious at work

Eric's update

Wicked half back panel by Eric.. seems like half a face.. prob the wearer should come back and complete the other half?!